
Open Letter

Lately I'm getting sick and tired of your childish behaviour. You tell me you want to be my friend. But the way you act tells me something else. If that's how you treat your friends, then i don't want to know how you treat your enemies! You show absolutely no interest in your daughter. You never call to see how the doctors appointments went or if need any help doing something. That's the least you can do. Last week i asked you if you could help me putting up Jamie's crib. You didn't even text me back if you will or not. That's pretty messed up. You didn't do anything to help me. Besides buying the stroller and 3 outfits. Everything else i had to get. This is not about money. It's about being responsible for your child!! Just to remind you we both planed to have her. She wasn't an accident. And then you turned around and left. And act like you have nothing to do with this. Not thinking about anybodies feelings but your own. You don't care about how i will make it being alone with her and Noah. Or how she will grow up wondering who her father is. You have absolutely no idea how many wonderful moments you are going to miss. Sometimes i think it would be best for her not to have you around at all. She doesn't need to be around someone who abandoned her. Your life won't change one bit. You are still going to do what you want to do, like picking up old habits. Not even wasting anytime thinking about Jamie. I think you are just trying to run away by going to Iraq. But you know you can't run forever. I know i will never see you again. And Jamie will never get to meet you. You will never be a father for Jamie!! In everyone else and in my eyes you have lost the privilege to be a father to her the minute you walked out my door. With a bullshit excuse. I still don't know the real reason. But i don't care anymore. It doesn't matter. I have other things to worry about than a 20 year old, that doesn't know what he wants, besides having a good time! It would be a good time for you, to grow some real balls and shape up. But i know that will never happen. You will understand when you have your own family. One day you will regret leaving her behind. Maybe i will change my mind about you. Maybe i let you know when she is born. And if i feel like it, i even send you some pictures of her. I really hope she will understand why all this happened. And why her daddy choose not to be around. I also hope that i can forgive you one day for leaving me alone with her. Remember how you always got mad at Rob because he wasn't taking care of his Son. Well he is now and he is doing a better Job that i thought he would do. Now you are the deadbeat parent. But it's OK. We will be OK with or without you. All i know is that in 6 weeks i will have a beautiful little girl. And i will love her with all my heart. And she will love me for being there for her from the first second she is born till the day i die.
Kommentare bitte auf englisch. Damit er sie auch lesen kann. Ich werde sie weiterleiten.
anna25bell - 23. Mai, 17:39

Schick den mal ne Copy !Damit er was zu lese hat!

mariechen2 - 23. Mai, 17:42

da kannst du aber einen drauf lassen.
herold - 23. Mai, 19:15


is a dirty word.

mariechen2 - 23. Mai, 19:38

ein netteres Wort ist mir im Eifer des Gefechts nicht eingefallen. "schämt sich""
Parker - 24. Mai, 13:11

In meinen Augen ist das Wort ist noch lange nicht deftig genug!
mariechen2 - 24. Mai, 17:27

nun ja ich wollte nicht so gemein sein wie er es eigentlich verdient hat. schlieslich ist er der erzeuger meiner tochter

Parker - 30. Mai, 16:27

Yep, und wenn er sich so aufführt wird er nie mehr sein als auch nur der "Erzeuger".

Aber das hast du ja selber schon festgestellt.


aka DoggyStyle

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Mai 2006


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